
Symposium on AI in Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Health (AIDHeal) is a network from the metropolitan Berlin-Brandenburg region that aims to address the severe shortage of expertise in the areas of data science, machine learning and digital health in Germany. AIDHeal is designed to provide a training platform for the next generation Digital Health AI experts, and to promote networking and long-term collaborations. It will serve as a springboard to intensify scientific interactions in AI, information technologies and across Digital Health Engineering research fields with the ultimate goal to enhance international visibility and competitiveness in Digital Healthcare Made in Berlin-Brandenburg.

The symposium is designed to provide an overview of AI methodology, data science, machine learning, statistics and mathematics in health. State-of-the-art AI applications in molecular medicine, translational research, population studies and in the clinic will be discussed, while future directions of AI in Digital Health will be explored. The symposium provides a testbed and springboard for local, regional, national and international collaboration with the ultimate goal to draw in and grow new talent and experts. Last but not least, the symposium will provide plenty of opportunities to engage in fruitful exchange with peers and colleagues. The symposium is tailored to attract new talents, basic scientists, engineers, digital engineering professionals, translational researchers, applied scientists, clinicians at all levels of experience and expertise. It addresses mostly but not exclusively scientists of different levels, from undergraduate and graduate students interested in AI up to trainees, advanced users, software developers and applications experts from the academic and the industrial sectors. It also targets representatives of regulatory bodies, as well as patients and citizens from organizations and the community.

AIDHeal partner network:

University of Potsdam,
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Universität Berlin,
Berlin Institute of Health at Charité,
NAKO e.V.,
für Digital Engineering,
Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik,

Berlin Research 50 (BR50),
Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy,


Christoph Lippert, University of Potsdam and Hasso Plattner Institute
Thoralf Niendorf
, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and Charité-
Sonja Greven, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Theresa Tholen, M.A. (




Virtual Meeting





Program (part 1): Spotlight on the AIDHeal Network

09:30 Welcome: Oliver Günther (President, UP), Thomas Sommer (Scient. Director (interim), MDC)

AIDHeal Mission: Christoph Lippert (HPI & UP), Thoralf Niendorf (MDC), Sonja Greven (HU)

10:00 AIDHeal Faculty Pitch Talks moderation: Johannes Freudenreich (PoGS/UP)

10:30 Improving explainable AI by Bayesian Neural Networks: Marina Höhne (TU Berlin)

11:00 Break

11:15 Transforming Health Care Delivery: Ariel Stern (HPI & Harvard Business School)

11:45 AIDHeal Faculty Pitch Talks: moderation Johannes Freudenreich (PoGS/UP)

13:00 Break

14:00 AI for Digital Pathology: Thomas Fuchs (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)

14:45 Closing Remarks


University of Potsdam & Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association