MINT-EC-Digitalforum virtuell

MINT-EC Digital Forum takes a look at the digital future

Nothing works without digitization anymore. The challenges for students and teachers that come with this were the topic of the MINT-EC Digital Forum on February 26, 2021. 630 students took part in the virtual event under the motto "VUCA - my digital future and I".

The participants could choose from a colorful program including contributions from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC). They learned, for example, how to found an IT start-up or how discriminating artificial intelligence (AI) can be. Dr. Tobias Bock-Bierbaum from the MDC working group "Structural Biology of Membrane-Associated Processes" spoke about AI and the life of a structural biologist in times of a pandemic. Inga Patarcic from the MDC Communications Department held a hands-on workshop on "Open your DNA - How can you become your own gene hacker". There were also workshops for teachers, for example on preparing lessons with the H5P software.


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